Final Forms
We are excited your student is signing up for TMS after school athletics.
Step 1 - It is important to fill out ALL the forms on Final Forms (the district’s platform for athletics registration). To the right is a visual of what should be filled out, everything in RED must be clicked on and filled out – signatures on the bottom of each page – once that is complete, they will turn green and step one is done (for parents)! There are sections (not shown) for students to sign as well – they will need to create a log in and do the same process for step 1.
Step 2 – You need to click on the blue link (shown right) to print the physical form. This form must be filled out by your doctor (remind them to put the actual date of your students physical next to their signature). Please upload your signed Physical form directly into FinalForms or bring your hard copy of the physical into the building to the ASB desk (not the coach) - ideally 2 weeks prior to the start of the season.
Step 3 – To pay for your athletic fees online you will use a separate system. The online directions for that process is below. You cannot make payments in the Final Forms system.
The Athletic payments are found on the BLUE box on this link:
- Sign in
- CLICK ON your student’s name
- Under SHOP click on “Items At Student’s School”
- In CATEGORIES click on “things you can buy at Timberline”
- Next scroll down to find your SPORT and click BUY
- And then follow the steps to CHECKOUT
(Remember that your student must also have the current school year ASB membership, $30, this is required for all athletes.)
The payment system will open on AUGUST 1st, 2021. That is the first day you will be able to pay for your FALL ATHLETICS at Timberline:
- Coed Cross Country
- Boys Basketball
- Boys Tennis